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Showing posts from March, 2022

Negative Self-Talks: Challenges, And Measures To Overcome It!

All humans possess an inner critic. At times, this little voice can actually be helpful in keeping people motivated toward the goals. An inner feeling, for example, resisting a person to avoid junk food to maintain good health. Such feelings and emotions keep individuals motivated to do tasks that make their lives healthy and joyful. However, sometimes this voice can do more harm than help, mainly when it takes the form of negativity.  Negative self-talk is an inner dialogue that people have with themselves. This kind of conversation limits people’s ability to believe in their capabilities. It can also be related to thought patterns that diminishes a person’s ability to make positive alterations in his life. People experience negative self-talk from time to time. It is important to note that this tendency affects people in many forms, such as imposter syndrome. It is because this creates significant stress, not only to the patient but also to the people around him. Due to its criticali

What Is Social Anxiety And How To Address It?

  Social Anxiety Disorder is a type of Anxiety Disorder that causes extreme panic to people attending any social gatherings. People with this mental health issue hesitate to speak in public, meet new people, and attend social gatherings. They feel afraid of being judged or scrutinized by others. Sometimes, people know that their fear is irrational, but they feel helpless to address that cause. However, Social anxiety is different from shyness. Shyness occurs occasionally and does not disrupt the subject’s life. On the contrary, social anxiety is persistent and debilitating, affecting an individual’s professional and personal abilities. After learning  what is Social Anxiety , now it is time to have a look at its causes:   Causes of Social Anxiety Disorder The exact reason behind Social Anxiety is unknown yet. However, some studies claim that people experience social phobia due to environmental and genetic factors. The negative effect of a person’s environment can be of following types: